Previous Post: Painting my Garden with Beautiful Roses (Part IV)- My ‘Hot Sunset’ Roses
My ‘Peachy’ Roses
(Peach, apricot, salmon pink)

Reve d’Or– Noisette climbing rose, buff yellow with shades of apricot/peach. Size: 10-18’h x 5-8’w. Zone: 7-9.
This graceful climbing Noisette rose, Reve d’Or, was brought to my attention via #Rosechat, a twitter exchange for rose lovers. Paul Zimmerman, (a.k.a. rose expert), had tweeted on #Rosechat how he loved this climbing rose and grew Reve d’Or in his own garden. So naturally, this past fall, I had to plant one. Mine is growing up a triple arched pergola and already has taken off in growth and given me some lovely blossoms.
Reve d’Or– (French for ‘Dream of Gold’)- has softly shaped, delicate double blossoms that are more ‘peachy’ in color. The flowers appear in clusters abundantly in the spring, lightly during summer’s heat, and again in the fall. One of the best climbing roses for warmer climates. A designated Earthkind Rose. AARS rating 9.2.

‘Compassion’– modern climber in hues of salmon pink and peachy/apricot. Size: 8-10’h x 5’w. Zone: 5-10.
An extraordinarily beautiful climbing rose with Hybrid tea-like buds that open into pretty ruffled petals that are exquisitely shaped. It’s fragrance is intoxicating. I have Compassion growing up my triple arch pergola alongside Reve d’Or . Wonderful repeat flowering. One of my favorites.

‘Evelyn’- David Austin short climbing rose, silky soft apricot, tinged with pink. Size: 6’h x 3’w. Zone:
Breathtaking rose in bloom, with huge old-fashioned rosette formed flowers. One of the most fragrant roses in my garden. A very good repeat bloomer. A small climber, perfect for a pillar.
‘Evelyn’ was named on behalf of Crabtree & Evelyn, who used it in their range of rose perfumes, soaps and lotions.

‘Buff Beauty’- Apricot blend Hybrid Musk. Size: 4-10′ x 4-8’w. Zone: 5-10.
A Hybrid Musk rose new to my garden this year. To my delight, Buff Beauty has already produced flowers and graceful long arching canes. This fragrant Hybrid Musk rose has beautiful clusters of double apricot flowers that fade to soft yellow. In warmer climates it is often trained as a climber. I’ve heard that Buff Beauty’s blooms are lovely in the fall….I can’t wait!

‘Amber’ Flower Carpet shrub rose- Semi-double peachy, amber flowers. Size: 2-3’h x 2-3’w. Zone: 5-10.
This my all time favorite Flower Carpet rose. High in disease resistance and a prolific bloomer. I have several planted around my stonebridge in front of my weeping Blue Atlas cedar.
My new 2013 ‘Peachy’ rose additions are:
‘Lady Ashe’– Apricot blend climbing Hybrid Tea
‘Peach Drift’

I’ve enjoyed sharing my roses with everyone with these multiple blog posts. Roses offer us an endless combination of colors to paint our landscapes with in any way we choose. So go ahead- paint your garden with beautiful roses!
Check out some of these helpful rose links:
Painting my Garden with Beautiful Roses (Part I)…’My Pretty in Pink’ Roses