Previous Post: Painting my Garden with Beautiful Roses (Part III)… ‘Different Shades of White’ Roses
My ‘Hot Sunset’ Roses
(Yellow, Orange, Tangerine and Coral)

‘VaVoom’ – Orange and yellow blend Floribunda rose. Size: 3-4’h . Zone: 6-9
Va-Va-VaVoom! This Floribunda rose blooms continually in my garden giving me amazing color . It’s fully double flowers are an intense bright tangerine orange with rich mahogany colored new foliage.
‘VaVoom’ stands up well to the heat and humidity in my Zone 7b garden. One of my favorite roses colorwise, especially mixed with deep blues and purples. Fragrant. Does seem to get occasional blackspot.

‘Easy Does It’– Floribunda rose in hues of mango orange, pink and apricot. Size: 3-4’h. Zone: 5-10.
This rose lives true to its has to be one of the easiest Floribunda’s to grow in my garden. Extremely disease resistant and a non-stop bloomer from spring to frost! The flower petals are beautifully scalloped with ruffled edges, starting out mango orange and then turning coral and pink. 2010 AARS Award. In the spring, I love mixing Easy Does It with orange tri-color snapdragons.

‘Julia Child’ – Warm buttery gold/yellow Floribunda. Size: 3-4’h x 3-4’w. Zone: 5-10.
Huge clusters of deliciously fragrant old fashioned blooms in a gorgeous buttery yellow. Extremely disease resistant (one of the best in my garden), constant bloomer.
2006 AARS Winner. Adored by many and definitely one of my favorites!

‘Golden Gate’ – Golden yellow Kordes Large flowered Climbing rose. Size: 8’h x 5’w. Zone: 5-10.
Newly planted in my garden this spring is the Kordes climbing rose ‘Golden Gate’. It has already grown to 7 feet tall and given me lots of blooms. ‘Golden Gate‘ has lovely double blooms that are golden yellow slowly fading to cream. Beautiful healthy green foliage. Wonderful repeat bloomer and fragrant. It’s a keeper in my garden.

‘White Licorice’ – light yellow Floribunda rose. Size: 3-4’h x 3-4′ w. Zone: 5-10.
Another newcomer to my garden this spring ‘White Licorice’ Floribunda rose. Two of them grace the entrance to my backyard stone arbor. The sweet licorice/lemon fragrance is a wonderful greeting, along with the lovely lemon yellow blossoms which turn to ivory white. . Only downside…seems to be susceptible to blackspot. Already thinking about replacing this rose with a few Julia Child Floribunda’s.

‘Coral’ Flower Carpet Rose-Size: 3-4 feet. Zone: 5-11.
This prostrate- growing shrub rose is a real eye catcher in my landscape. The coral color is bright and cheery even in our brutal summer heat. Extremely disease resistant and requires little care as most Flower Carpet shrub roses. Prolific bloomer.
Next Post: Painting my Garden with Beautiful Roses (PartV)… My ‘Peachy’ Roses