Previous post: Painting My Garden with Beautiful Roses (Part I)… My ‘Pretty in Pink ‘ Roses….
My ‘Sultry Red’ Roses
(Red, Dark red, Crimson, Pale red)

‘Don Juan’ -modern large flowered dark red climbing rose. Size: 8-10’h x 6’w. Zone: 5-10
This is definitely one classy climbing rose. My favorite red climber of all times. Enough so, that I have three climbing up the stone exterior walls of my home. The beauty and fragrance is amazing. The color is a true, deep, velvety red. I have two ‘Don Juan’s’ growing in a sunny location that have grown tremendously in the last 2 years and the third in a part sun location that, to my surprise, is doing very well.

Eventually, this climber will be trained to grow over the arch entry of my home, but for now, it’s still in it’s ‘growing phase’. Requires little attention other than deadheading (or in my case training the canes) an excellent repeat bloomer. Occasionally can get spells of black spot, but that doesn’t seem to slow this rose down since new growth compensates the loss of leaves. I would not have a rose garden without a ‘Don Juan’!

‘William Shakespeare 2000‘– crimson red David Austin shrub rose. Size: 4′ x 3′. Zone: 5-10.
Another newcomer to my garden this spring, this David Austin rose has exquisite, large double crimson red blossoms that are full petaled, cupped and quartered. The rich luscious color is outstanding ( hard to capture with a camera), especially when planted with pinks and violets. I was impressed and pleased with the number of blossoms WS2000 provided me this month considering I just planted it 3 months ago. Mine is planted next to several pink ‘Huntington Roses‘, another David Austin shrub rose.

Red Flower Carpet Rose ‘ Noare‘- Carmine red shrub rose. Size: 2-4’h x 3’w. Zone: 4-10.
Most of my roses, especially my shrub roses, are integrated as part of my landscape design. My Red Flower Carpet roses ‘Noare’ are no exception. I have several groupings of this shrub rose flanked around my Blue Atlas Cedars ( conifers are another passion of mine) and the color pairing is just stunning!
A prolific bloomer with beautiful carmine red flowers with yellow centers. Highly disease resistant and easy to grow. Love it for its punch of vivid color from spring until frost.

‘Double Delight’– cream blushing red Hybrid Tea rose. Size: 4’h x 4’w. Zone: 5-10.
Even though ‘Double Delight’ is not totally red in color, I still placed it in the ‘Sultry Red’ category due to it’s spectacular bi-color with red being it’s eye-catching attribute.
‘Double Delight‘ is a gorgeous Hybrid tea whose fragrance and perfectly formed flowers are creamy white with a tinge of red that looks like it was hand-painted on its outer petals, and then as it matures it’s flowers turn more red in color. To me, it’s an artist’s dream to paint this rose for it’s alluring two-toned beauty.
My new 2013 red rose additions are:
2- ‘Dublin Bay’– red large flowered climbing rose
‘Traviata’– dark red hybrid tea
‘Munstead Wood’ – dark red David Austin rose
‘Tess of the D’ Ubervilles’– crimson red David Austin rose
5- ‘Warm & Fuzzy‘- Christmasy red miniature rose
Next Post: Painting my Garden with Beautiful Roses (Part III)… My ‘Shades of White’ Roses