Nobody likes a show-off but in this case I’ll make an exception. All week my Fringe trees have been grabbing everybody’s attention with their showy creamy white blossoms flirting in the breeze- even glowing in the evening under the moonlight…
~Fringe tree~
Size: 8-20 feet tall, 8-10 feet wide
It is found in USDA Hardiness Zones 4-9.
Bloom time: Flowers from April to May with masses of beautiful drooping white flowers
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade; seems to perform well with some afternoon shade in my Zone 7b garden.
Excellent in a woodland garden
A new addition to my garden this spring is Chionanthus retusus ‘Tokyo Tower’ Chinese Fringe tree. Perfect for smaller gardens or tight spaces. I have mine planted at the edge of my ‘moonlight’ garden surrounded by my Annabelle and Snowflake hydrangeas, white camellia, Casa Blanca lilies and other white flowering shrubs and flowers.