Month: August 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Hybrid Tea rose- ‘Chicago Peace’


Climbing rose ‘Iceburg’


Low growing Kordes shrub rose- ‘Purple Rain’


Hybrid Tea- ‘St. Patrick’


‘Icy’ white Drift rose


‘Easy Does It’- Floribunda


Clematis- ‘Crystal Fountain’


Cane-type Dragon Wing Begonia

August Garden Bloggers Bloom Day….

Time to enjoy and share some late summer blooms in my garden.

 The recent rains have nourished and hydrated my flowers just in time for GBBD…


My ‘Pretty in Pink’ planting bed.



Roses, lantana, zinna and conifers.


‘Razzle Dazzle’ Cherry Crape Myrtle adds a splash of color.


My blue and white garden…


Seating area of my garden surrounded by serene green..


My colorful hillside garden.


Roses and this combination!


Some of my many containers blooming now….








 Many Thanks to May Dream Gardens for hosting GBBD…






















Wordless Wednesday

David Austin- ‘William Shakespeare 2000’



Hybrid Tea- ‘St. Patrick’



Floribunda- ‘VaVoom’



Peach Drift shrub rose



‘Pink Drift’ shrub rose



‘Marie Pavie’ Polyantha rose



Red Flower Carpet rose



Grandiflora- ‘Wild Blue Yonder’