The Graceful Gardener’s Containers
As a gardener, I’ve always had a passion for designing and planting outdoor containers. Playing around with the different color combinations and textures of plants are fun and the choices are almost endless. To me, containers are an easy way to accessorize and customize my garden with pockets of color and my own creative expression. Over the years, I’ve had some container successes (I was a 2011 & 2012 Fine Gardening Container Design Finalist) and some not so great, like being a bit too ambitious and planting over 75 containers one year in which I had to succumb to watering daily for months during a drought (what was I thinking!).
This year, I decided to keep my container count to about 50…still quite a few but alot more manageable. By using a few container gardening basics and a little bit of TLC my containers provide be with big rewards throughout the spring, summer and fall.
Here are a few of my favorite containers which I designed and planted this spring/summer….
‘Tickled Pink’ Containers
Every year I plant the combination of Dragon-Wing Begonia’s, New Guinea Impatiens, ‘Silver Falls’ Dichondra and Creeping jenny in my large oval pedestal container. Simple elegance…

Light Requirement: Morning sun and afternoon shade.
Dragon wing Cane begonia’s, petunia’s, fushsia, double impatiens and Persian shield spill from this lovely grey container located in part shade receiving mainly morning sun.
Dripping with elegant pink blossoms the dragon wing ‘cane’ begonia blooms all summer and into the fall in my Zone 7B garden.

Light Requirement: Part Sun

Light Requirement: Partial Shade
Grouping these containers together creates a lovely composition around my fountain.

Tipping a pot on its side creates a playful spill of pink impatiens in my garden…

Here was my Finalist Entry for Fine Gardening’s ‘Accessorize’ 2011 Container Design Challenge.

‘Hot and Sassy Red’ Containers
There’s nothing like classic red to add drama to a container. I use red around my entryway every year to make a bold statement.

Light requirements: Full Sun
Sometimes simple is the way to go by using just one type of ‘showoff’ plant. I’ve chosen red trailing petunias to make a spectacular display in my large urn enhancing my entryway.

Full Sun

Light Requirements: Partial Shade
Mandevilla vine is a prolific vine that twines around any structure. I have mine planted around a hummingbird feeder since the large red blossoms attracts butterflies and hummingbirds all summer.
‘ Purple Vibes’ Containers
The fuss-free purple blooms of petunia and potato vine planted by my garage doors makes me happy every time I see them.. This showstopper just won’t quit…

Light Requirements: Full Sun
Having planted this rectangular iron plant-stand to the gills, you can hardly see the container anymore. The photo does this container no justice…love the cascading purple calibrachoa.

Light Requirement: Full Sun/ Part Sun
Purple and chartreuse is a favorite color combination of mine. This planter is still in its ‘filling out ‘ phase and will look lovely in a few weeks.

Light Requirement: Full Sun
‘Blue Rhapsody’ Containers

Light Requirements: Full Sun
My ‘Blue Rhapsody’ container garden has to be one of my favorites that I plant every year. These containers definitely capture your attention from across my garden all year round. I plant spring bulbs in them in the fall for a pretty flower display in the early spring. Also, when I entertain I like to dress up the area with blue and white porcelain vases.
Note: As of a few days ago my lovely Swan planter was a victim of a large tree limb and is no longer gracing my garden. I’m so glad I took this photo to share its splendor with you cause for now its just a memory...

Light Requirement: Full Sun

Light Requirements: Full Sun/Part Sun
‘Fancy Foliage’ Containers
Packed with fancy foliage my round container looks good all year round. I replace the trailing coleus and potato vine with pansies in the fall.

Light requirements: Full Sun/Part Sun
A combination of various hues of purple foliage plants draws attention to this planter. Still in it’s ‘filling out’ phase, once it matures I’m sure it will be one of my favorites foliage-wise. I apologize for the sub-par photo…

Light Requirement: Full Sun/Part Sun
This in an old picnic basket I’ve had for over 25 years ( a wedding present ) that I decided to use as a container this year. The foliage is a ‘feast’ for the eyes.

Light Requirement: Part Sun/Shade
‘Addictive Succulents’

Harvest Delights
Patio kitchen harvests are so easy and convenient. I fill my huge round patio container with tomatoes and herbs in the summer, lettuce in the fall…

Light Requirement: Full Sun
Favorite herbs fill my old iron container….

Light Requirements: Full Sun/Part Sun
Here are a Few Simple Container Gardening Basics…
(1) Buy (or make) a good quality potting soil. A planting mix with good drainage and water retention will reduce the amount of regular care required.
(2) Try to use plants with the same watering and lighting needs in the same container.
(3) Water your containers on a regular basis. I know this is the most time consuming part of container gardening. I try to water my containers in the morning to keep them from drying out from the midday heat. I also like using larger containers. The larger the container the more moisture it will hold thus the less often you will have to water.
(4) For your containers to reach their full flowering potential, they need to be fertilized. Fertilizing is just as important as watering for achieving beautiful healthy containers. There are several types of fertilizers to choose from, including powders, liquids, foliar sprays, manure teas, etc. My most foolproof method is using a slow release glandular fertilizer when planting and then about 6 weeks later a liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks to give my containers an additional boost during their growing season. I use liquid fertilizer for my heavy bloomers (like petunias), and for my vegetable, shade loving and foliage containers I use Haven Brand Manure Tea, an organic fertilizer that these plants love.
(5) Most flowers benefit from having their spent flowers removed. To keep my containers blooming and looking neat I deadhead my plants when needed.
Hope you’ve enjoyed the photo tour of my containers.